Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Saddam, Kerala and some Protests

Finally I am going to put all the past few months junk here!!!!

“Is Saddam Hussein related to Kerala???”

I was quite shocked at this question from my German Friend….

He has learned about the violent outbursts in Kerala following the Saddam Hussein incident, from a tourist friend.

I decided to check it out myself from internet…….

“The State committee of the ______________ has called upon party cadres and units to organize protests against the death sentence awarded to former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein”

I am moved by this love & affection!!!!

“In separate statements, _________ party said it would organize `torch marches' at all district and village centers”

I am damn sure George Bush might have seen those torch lights blinking and hung his head in shame, repenting for what he did!!! ….. And of course the many villages in Kerala which does not have sufficient electricity would have been lit up at least for a day

But I have a doubt…… were the torch lights not working during all the recent political scams, mass suicide of farmers due to debt....

“ ________ youth wing has decided to burn United States President George Bush in effigy”

Oops…. That’s too much for Mr. Bush to take. What will happen to his political career without the support from the youth wing of a Kerala political party!!! He is gonna shut himself up in his room in White House and weep his heart out.

“___ Party’s general secretary ____ called upon people of the entire world to raise their voice to save Saddam Hussein's life”

Yes why not… lets have a group cry (kootta nilavaili) so that the entire US gets up from sleep and wonders whtz happening…

“Kerala rose almost like a man to protest against the hanging of Iraq's former President Saddam Hussein with an afternoon hartal called ...”

That was ultimate… Heroic deed!!! One more hartal….. Yes way to go. The US citizens suffered a lot due to the Kerala hartal… Bush’s kids missed school, his wife didn’t go shopping, many companies in US lost a day’s revenue… the day to day life in US came to a halt

The hartal in Kerala must have been a real blow to the US economy!!!

Well …. That was a snap shot of the protests. This was the scenario in Kerala, but many other states would also have done their share.

Is Saddam am Martyr or a Mad man? What right does USA has to take a decision on this issue… there are lot of questions to be pondered upon; I am not going into all that

I do know India is a democratic country and every citizen has the right to express his feelings and opinions.

But what is the use of unproductive protests… just for the sake of it…. Making a joke of ourselves.

There are a lot of burning issues with in & outside our country, which can be solved if we raise our voice and act appropriately.